at a 40% savings off the single print price
A beautiful bundle of 8 limited edition prints from the C. A. Warner Memorial Series of Historic Texas Oil Field Images, featuring the major fields of early Texas oil. Each is a high quality 18"x24" giclee art print limited to but 254 copies. The images included in this 8-print bundle are:
#1 - Vestil #1, Ranger - February 17, 1920. This image is featured on the cover of our best-selling oil history, Texas Oil & Gas Since 1543. It captures the exact moment the well came in, before the first drops even hit the ground. The two figures in the foreground make this image iconic. They look up in awe not only at what this event is, but all that it might represent...a fortune, perhaps?
#2 - Tripping Pipe, Corsicana Field, 1917. Corsicana had been producing for over twenty years when this historic photo was taken, and was about to catch its second wind. Production, which had steadily declined for years, would more than double in 1919. There's a lot going on in this image...both with our hard-working subjects and in the derricks rising to meet the sky in the background.
#3 - Pondering Goose Creek - Winter 1916. Goose creek in 1916 was a surreal sight to behold. Derricks hugged the banks of the creek until it emptied into Galveston Bay. Someone got the idea to erect a derrick on pilings out in the Bay itself...and the offshore drilling industry was born.
#4 - The Forest That Man Made - Burkburnett Field, 1918. Imaging a derrick in the parking lot of your local Whataburger...or in the middle of the local elementary school's playground. That's what it was like in Burkburnett. After the first strike was made in town in 1918, derricks flew up just as fast as timber could be sourced. By late 1918, there were wells being sunk in every spare yards and alleys...even behind the railroad station.
#5 - Sentinel on the Red River - Burkburnett, 1919. In stark contrast to our other Burkburnett piece, this eerily serene scene shows another side of Burkburnett & Wichita County, away from all the action. A lone derrick stands watch over the Red River. There is no Oil Fever, no speculators, no money changing hands, no cars stuck in the mud. A simple auto bridge and the photographer are the derrick's only companions. But as every student of Texas oil history knows, all of the commotion was going on just beyond the reach of the camera.

#6 - Over at Dad's Place - October 1930. The Daisy Bradford No. 3 well...the discovery well of the grand East Texas field. This image provides a glimpse of the carnival-like atmosphere that surrounded Dad Joiner's well. A hoarde of people gathered to watch him bring the well in and to enjoy the burgers, moonshine and even airplane rides available at the event. This monumental well did little for Dad Joiner's fortunes, but helped put the names of Hunt and Humble Oil on the map.
#7 - Mud & Speculation- Ranger, 1919. Millionaires seeking leases slept on the ground wrapped in war surplus blankets. The Spanish Flu pandemic came to town and killed scores of people. But the leasing went on. Proto-landmen shattered many a tin lizzy on rutted tracks that only the pathologically polite would call "roads." Damn the expense, all that mattered was leases.
#8 - Wildcatter's Dream. There he is, front and center, with the lease in one hand and the other on his hip....looking like he was sure the whole time. And he won again and again. Even after the money didn't matter anymore, he kept going back. Kept sinking wells. It was about the challenge, about proving himself...about showing them that Hell Yes he could!