With the limited edition of The Soldiers of San Jacinto nearly sold out (and finally shipped after myriad delays) we successfully launched our new line of limited edition giclee oilfield prints this month. More prints will be in the offing soon. In the meantime, we have an exciting lineup of new books in the works. First up, in October, we'll present a collection of letters written by 3 of Terry's Texas Rangers during the Civil War. The correspondence makes clear the horror and often logistical nightmare that was the War, as seen through the eyes of three homesick Confederate soldiers.
To follow the Rangers, our November offering is to be the Spindletop-era memoir of an oilfield doctor who patched up roughnecks, prostitutes and every other colorful character common to a Texas boomtown. Well written in every regard, this book is a joy to read and difficult to put down. It will be issued in a limited edition of 254 copies, housed in a custom slipcase.
The Press is delighted to have recently recruited Jonathan R. Peters to join our team and we'd like everyone to know! Mr. Peters will be assisting us in two different roles, each vital to CBP. He will work with Mark cataloguing and hunting down bibliographic information for our rare books division. In late September, he'll begin working on the design & editing of our November book. Competent, enthusiastic, capable and more grammar-minded than even I, Jon will assist us through the period of rapid growth that is on the horizon. Welcome aboard, Mr. Peters!
Finally, a note regarding Hurricane Ike. We were certain that the storm had the Coastal Bend in its crosshairs and were prepared to pack up our office and flee. It was a terrifying few days. Our colleagues and clients in Houston & Galveston remain in our thoughts and prayers. The way both cities handled the storm, both before and after, gives us yet another reason to be proud of Texas.
With sincerest thanks for your continued patronage,
Michelle M. Haas, President & Managing Editor Copano Bay Press